Friday, November 3Web Solutions in Rajkot

Do You Really Need a Website?

When some one say that “I want to develop a new website”, then i always encourage them and ask a question “why a website redesign doesn’t solve every business need”. And going to build a new site is not a cheap solutions. Becuase it need to invest lots of money again. There are many reason that due to which most of people think that they need new design. One of reason is that they may have seen some other good website or may thinking that their existing old website becomes old and so need to create new website.

Before going into a plan of new website, just ask yourself following question.

Why your current website is not working for you?

Let’s start with the user experience. Here, you can dream of a modern website made up of huge hero images, a header video, easy-to-navigate navigation and other modern devices. Maybe your website looks 100 years old and you get an update. But that does not mean that it needs a complete overhaul. Small changes to the design, such as a heroic image, a cleaner navigation, new images, and all that jazz, can help give your site a new feel. And you would not have to blow everything up and start all over again. What about optimizing the conversion? Your website can simply remain a booklet that you put online without any conversion options. We’d like to start with simple suggestions like “Calls to Action” (CTA) that allow viewers to “shop now,” subscribe to updates, download useful content, or make important connections.

If you are generally satisfied with the overall feel of your site and the usability of other sites is acceptable, we recommend that you use the colors of your existing brand and content. A redesign of the website is a much bigger undertaking than mere changes that can generate more revenue.

What changes you can do with your current website?

If you want to get more revenue from your website, consider working with us monthly to plan, execute, and redo strategies. Then, down the line, you could look at a redesign of the site as the business gets going.

A website redesign with a completely new design is usually a big cost and a lot of time and resources. As needed, smaller optimization changes such as call to action, better blog layout, strategic price page, and similar changes can be made over time to generate more traffic.